| 1. | Margin values can be either positive or negative 边距值可以为正,也可以为负。 |
| 2. | Please verify that margin values are valid positive numbers 请检查边界值是否是一个有效的正数。 |
| 3. | Series margin value 系列按金价值 |
| 4. | Total margin value 总按金价值 |
| 5. | No . there will not be any interest charge on the unused margin value available in your margin account 您的?展(融资)户口备用的?展(融资)金额是不须要缴付任何贷款利息。 |
| 6. | When the market value of any eligible stock in your holding decreases , the margin value of your account will be decreased accordingly 当您持有的认可股票市值下跌时,您户口可动用的?展融资金额亦会相应减少。 |
| 7. | The snapline defining the sum of the margin values is longer and that the control snaps to a greater distance from the other control . change the 定义边距值之和的对线变长,该控件对时与另一控件之间的距离变大。 |
| 8. | The margin value of each of your stock holding and the total margin value of your margin account will be displayed on the " my portfolio " page 您?展(融资)户口中每只股票的?展(融资)金额,及您全数可动用的?展(融资)金额总值,均会显示在“我的投资组合”版面上。 |
| 9. | When the amount you borrowed is higher than the margin value of your account , there will be a margin call . it is generally due to the fall of market price of your stock holdings 当您户口尚欠的贷款数额高于?展(融资)金额时, boom便会向您发出“追补按金”的通知。 |
| 10. | The amount of margin financing facility the " margin value " is calculated from the market value and the margin rate of each eligible stock in your margin account ?展(融资)信贷额( “ ?展(融资)金额” )是根据您的?展(融资)户口里认可股票的市值,及有关股票的借贷比率而定。 |